
Members can use the forms on this page to make online Voluntary Payments, pay League Fees & visitor Green Fees.

Note: Credit/Debit card details are not saved by the club.
Use this form to make voluntary payments to the club. Required fields are marked with *.

After completing the form, click on the "Proceed" button and the payment fields will display. You can pay using a credit or debit card.

Voluntary Payment

For receipt

All Payments are 100% secure & encrypted.

By clicking on Pay, it means that you agree to our Terms & Conditions

League Registrations

For receipt
Type the league type or night that you want to enter e.g. "Mixed Tuesday" or "Ladies Doubles" or "Mixed, Men's Doubles".

All Payments are 100% secure & encrypted.

By clicking on Pay, it means that you agree to our Terms & Conditions

Use this form to register for leagues in the club. Complete all required fields (marked with *).

In the League(s) Entering field, enter the league type that you would like to join e.g. "Mixed Doubles Wednesday". For multiple entries, simply enter the names of all leagues you want to enter, comma separated. In the Payment Amount field, select the number of entries to pay for e.g. if you are entering two leagues, select "2 entries" from the dropdown.

After completing the form, click on the "Proceed" button and the payment fields will display. You can pay using a credit or debit card.
Visitors can use this form to register their details for contact tracing & to pay green fees. Required fields are marked with *.

Guest players must be playing with a current 2021 member.

After completing the form, click on the "Proceed" button and the payment fields will display. You can pay using a credit or debit card.

Green Fees

For receipt
Invited by Lattin Tennis Club Member

All Payments are 100% secure & encrypted.

By clicking on Pay, it means that you agree to our Terms & Conditions